I work with a lot of people who are in careers positions or situations in their life where they really feel stuck. They trudge into work. They tell themselves all kinds of things just to get through the day. And their big payoff is the weekend, so they can get out and enjoy themselves.
But my question is, what about the rest of their life?
Today I want to outline 3 Steps to Create More Fulfillment. And yes, it's a big subject.
There are a lot of different things I could talk about. I bring up quite a few of these in my new book, Let Go of the Sh*t Show, which is for sale on Amazon.
But I want to talk about just 3 basic steps to get you moving in the right direction, and it is going to take being courageous, ..and being honest with yourself, really honest with yourself.
Are you really happy with your experience of life? Are you doing the things that create a lot of fulfillment and joy... or are you just getting by? I want to take you from a place of, "Oh, it will be okay" or "It will...
How many of you love what you have in your life right now, today?
Do you love what you have?
Loving what you've got, loving where you are and loving your experiences -- are all keys to loving yourself.
Why would that be so?
Is it because you're supposed to be positive and happy and go through life in "La La Land"? That's great, and it helps, but there's something bigger.
It's because through your thought and your choices, based upon your belief and your actions, you've brought yourself to where you right now. Where you stand right now.
You're the one who brings these experiences into your life.
There's something you believe about yourself and the energy you put out to the world that affects your inner actions, the way you experience life and people, and they just reflect it back to you. The world reflects it back to you.
Learning to grow through your experiences and love them are all part of learning to love yourself.
Many of us have ideas, concepts, thoughts that stop us from...
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