Page 43. A quick and beautiful story and another benefit of Meditation.



I'm going to call this Part 2 of "How to Bring More of What You Want Into Your Life, Through Your Own Thought and Focus." Yes, by using your mind."

A few years back, I was dating a beautiful lady. She is a wonderful woman who has four children. Back then, I used to read quite a bit. I still do, but not quite as much as I used to. It was mid day and I was sitting in my favorite spot, reading at home, and I decided to take a break and do a little meditation.

Most people know by now, I'm a big advocate of meditation. I've used meditation to connect with infinite intelligence ..and I've used it in many ways. Most powerfully, I've used it to heal myself from some of the physical and emotional challenges I've had to grapple with when I was younger.

A little of my history -- I was raised very... let's call it disciplined. My father ran a tight ship at home. He was in the military for about 35 years. So to avoid any negative feedback, I strived to do everything perfectly. Ha,...

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How To Use Your Mind To Get What You Want


Hello and Welcome, to another episode where we mix up a little science and, what I like to call,  a little spiritual seasoning to, "spice up your life."

Today I'm going to talk about meditation and visualization and ways that you can use your mind to create or manifest something into your life.

Your mind is really amazing. I've studied and trained with many people over the years and I've come to understand and know that the mind is the key to bringing what you desire into your life. The energy you hold, and the thoughts you think, tied to the beliefs and the emotions that come afterwards.., are actually creating situations and events and experiences in your life. The mind is the key to your emotional state, and increasing or remaining healthy, ..and your connection to infinite intelligence through your focus, through meditation, and through these processes I'm going to share with you.

The more you do this, (use these processes) ..the more the mind opens up to creativity...

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